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The program provides fellowships and professional development opportunities for faculty of these institutions to work with community agencies in Rensselaer County. By bringing the expertise of teaching professionals to the service of the citizens and agencies of Rensselaer County, the 鲁宾社区研究员计划 seeks to create collaboration partnerships, 为经济带来创造性的解决方案, 组织, social and managerial problems challenging our community.
Among the agencies which are invited to participate in the program are city and county government, 公共或私人社会服务机构, 公共教育, 公共卫生, public recreation and public and private arts and entertainment. 活动 which may be supported by the program include assessment, 评价, 重组, 项目开发, 管理, 提供服务, 人力和物力资源, expansion of collaborative ventures among agencies, 本地评估, 州和联邦对一个或多个机构的影响, 战略规划. All activities should work toward strengthening the ability to effectively serve the needs of the people of Rensselaer County.
从最广泛的意义上说, the program has the dual focus of effecting change within participating agencies, and of providing faculty an opportunity to apply their knowledge and expertise for the benefit of the community in a new exchange of ideas, 以及对需求的评估, from both the educational institution and agency perspectives. Typical grants are in the $5,000 to $15,000 range, but can go as high as $35,000 to $40,000. 欧博体育渴望资助大创意!
阅读更多关于 路易 & 霍顿斯·鲁宾社区研究员计划 资金的历史.
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